How a business owner’s home office can result in tax deductions
March 19, 2025
Categories: expenses, Home Office, tax deduction, TCJA
As a business owner, you may be eligible to claim home office tax deductions that will reduce your taxable income. However, it’s crucial to understand the IRS rules to ensure compliance and avoid potential IRS audit risks. There are two methods for claiming this tax break: the actual expense method and the simplified method. Here are answers to frequently asked questions about the tax break. Who qualifies? In general, you qualify for home office deductions if part of your home is used
From flights to meals: A guide to business travel tax deductions
November 5, 2024
Categories: Deductions, expenses, tax deduction, Travel
As a business owner, you may travel to visit customers, attend conferences, check on vendors and for other purposes. Understanding which travel expenses are tax deductible can significantly affect your bottom line. Properly managing travel costs can help ensure compliance and maximize your tax savings. Your tax home Eligible taxpayers can deduct the ordinary and necessary expenses of business travel when away from their “tax homes.” Ordinary means common and accepted in the industry.
Business website expenses: How they’re handled for tax purposes
August 28, 2024
Categories: Business, expenses, Section 179
Most businesses have websites today. Despite their widespread use, the IRS hasn’t issued formal guidance on when website costs can be deducted. But there are established rules that generally apply to the deductibility of business expenses and provide business taxpayers launching a website with some guidance about proper treatment. In addition, businesses can turn to IRS guidance on software costs. Here are some answers to questions you may have. What are the tax differences between hardware
When partners pay expenses related to the business
May 9, 2024
Categories: Business, expenses, Partnership, reimbursement
It’s not unusual for a partner to incur expenses related to the partnership’s business. This is especially likely to occur in service partnerships such as an architecture or law firm. For example, partners in service partnerships may incur entertainment expenses in developing new client relationships. They may also incur expenses for: transportation to get to and from client meetings, professional publications, continuing education and home office. What’s the tax treatment of such
It’s possible (but not easy) to claim a medical expense tax deduction
January 22, 2024
It’s possible (but not easy) to claim a medical expense tax deduction One of your New Year’s resolutions may be to pay more attention to your health. Of course, that may cost you. Can you deduct your out-of-pocket medical costs on your tax return? It depends. Many expenses are tax deductible, but there are several requirements and limitations that make it difficult for many taxpayers to actually claim a deduction. The rules Medical expenses can be claimed as a deduction only
The standard business mileage rate will be going up slightly in 2024
December 26, 2023
Categories: #hh, expenses, mileage, reimbursement
The optional standard mileage rate used to calculate the deductible cost of operating an automobile for business will be going up by 1.5 cents per mile in 2024. The IRS recently announced that the cents-per-mile rate for the business use of a car, van, pickup or panel truck will be 67 cents (up from 65.5 cents for 2023). The increased tax deduction partly reflects the price of gasoline, which is about the same as it was a year ago. On December 21, 2023, the national average price
New per diem business travel rates kicked in on October 1
November 8, 2023
Categories: #hh, expenses, high-low method, per diem, Travel
Are employees at your business traveling and frustrated about documenting expenses? Or perhaps you’re annoyed at the time and energy that goes into reviewing business travel expenses. There may be a way to simplify the reimbursement of these expenses. In Notice 2023-68, the IRS announced the fiscal 2024 special “per diem” rates that became effective October 1, 2023. Taxpayers can use these rates to substantiate the amount of expenses for lodging, meals and incidentals